
Newborn Photography: Ella

“If I am thinking correctly, ” said Pooh, “A new baby is probably, undoubtedly, the grandest gift that ever could be.” –A.A. MilneNewborn Photography

Remember Steph’s gorgeous maternity photos?  Well, baby Ella is finally here and was a pretty great little model herself (Newborn Photography).  She started out wide awake and alert and I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t be able to get any sleepy shots, but between the warm room, a belly full of milk, and a little rocking/persistance, she eventually conked right out.  I usually use studio light for newborn photography, but Steph and Chris had a great window in their living room, so I decided to do Ella’s photos with natural light.  Take a look at some of my other postss and see if you can tell the difference.  I hadn’t done a natural/window light newborn session in over three years so I was a little nervous, but I think the photos turned out great!  I guess it’s like riding a bicycle. . . 😉

Newborn PhotographyNewborn PhotographyNewborn PhotographyNewborn PhotographyNewborn PhotographyNewborn PhotographyNewborn Photography

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